Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hero of the day

Robert Peston (or R-Pest as I like to call him), noted by some to be laconic and pessimistic in his style of delivery.
Tainted by The Times as "ragged and querulous" & by his own admissions "Not as polished as some".

More trusted than either Gordon Brown or David Cameron on economic matters according to a quarter of those polled for the McCann Erickson advertising agency, compared with seven per cent for the prime minister and four per cent for the Tory leader.

Son of economist and former Labour peer (Baron) Maurice Peston, author of 'Brown's Britain', described by Sir Howard Davies (Director of the London School Of Economics) as "a book of unusual political significance", & 'Who runs Britain?' of which Polly Tonybee of The Gaurdian said : "Reading Peston's book, you can only be flabbergasted all over again at how Labour kowtowed to wealth, glorified the City and put all the nation's economic eggs into one dangerous basket of fizzy finance."

Husband of Writer Sian Busby and lifelong Arsenal fan.

What a man! And I am sure our female readers will agree, a bit of a dish.

Yet despite all of the above mentioned glories and praise I am sure you will all agree that Robert's greatest achievement is his collection of 500 singles from the 1970's, which he listens to whilst relaxing.

Robert can be seen most week nights on the BBC's 10 O'clock
news throwing out phrases such as 'Credit Crunch', 'Economic Downturn' & 'City Fat Cats' in his own laconic
and pessimistic style.